Hello OGRCC Friends,
We know everyone is dealing with the new normal of COVID-19 right now and probably didn’t expect to read an email about anything else, but, we will eventually get out of our houses and back on the field and our kids still need our help to improve fields and access in town.
As you know, there were meetings recently where the Board of Education approved a hybrid field solution at CMS. The next step is for the Board of Estimation and Taxation to approve the expenditure so we’re asking you all to voice your opinion in favor of this “Option 4 – Hybrid Solution” by writing the BET today. We’ve provided a sample email below.
As there may not be an opportunity for a public hearing, this may be your only chance to voice your opinion.
Please just be sure to send your letter to bet@greenwichct.org. Just sign your name, and press send.
Thank you for your help!
Please send this email to the BET at bet@greenwichct.org ** DON’T forget to sign at the bottom and In the subject put Central Middle School Fields- support Option #4.
Dear Board of Estimation and Taxation,
We are writing to urge you to approve the increased budget allocation required to implement Option 4 of the Central Middle School athletic field improvement plan that was selected by the Board of Education at its meeting on February 20, 2020.
As you know, the Board of Education voted 6-1-1 in favor of Option 4, the mixed-use grass and turf field, after hearing from concerned parents and citizens on all sides of the issue. Option 4 represents a mindful compromise that balances the needs for playable field space to meet the curriculum needs of Central Middle School and local athletes, while also providing a choice of playing surfaces. The Board of Education and Department of Parks & Recreation should be applauded for finding a solution that meets the needs of all stakeholders. We strongly support that decision and firmly believe this mixed-use field is the best option for Central Middle School and the broader Greenwich community.
The stark reality is that we desperately need this field….for our town, our community, our sports programs, and most importantly our kids. The current situation at CMS is dire: in 2018 and 2019, the athletic fields were closed more than 50 times*, with every closure representing a missed opportunity for CMS students to participate in outdoor fitness activities. In the Spring of 2019, the baseball field was in such poor condition that it was never even opened. Clearly the situation at CMS must change, and Option 4 is the solution that works.
The hybrid natural grass-artificial turf field outlined in Option 4 allows CMS to utilize its fields year-round regardless of weather; supports the extended playing time required by the school and local sports activities; offers a choice of playing surfaces, and helps to address the chronic lack of available field space in Greenwich.
Unfortunately, in preparing the initial budget, First Selectman Fred Camillo defaulted to Option 1 (grass fields), without ever hearing from the community. The simple reality is that the all-grass field outlined in Option 1 falls significantly short of solving the problems at Central Middle School. With field use capped at 25 hours in order to maintain the natural grass, Option 1 simply cannot meet the needs of the school or the local community. To spend more than $1 million on a “solution” that solves nothing would be a waste of taxpayer money and a gross disservice to our local youth.
Peter Bernstein, Chairman of the Board of Education, recently stated that “at this point, we will work with the full BET to share why the BOE voted six to one in favor of a hybrid model that best meets the needs of the students and the community.” The Board of Education listened to all sides and made an educated decision on what is best for the student body at CMS.
Implementing Option 4 will require an increase in the budget allocation but it is clear this is the fiscally responsible solution that meets the needs of CMS students and our community. Increasing the allocation to support Option 4 is a smart investment and one that our community desperately needs. As such, we strongly urge the BET to approve the allocation requested by the BOE. We would rather see the Town of Greenwich spend $2.2 million on a solution that works than to waste $1 million on one that doesn’t.