GRFC Supporters’ Items
USA Rugby
Uniform Ordering
Established in 2003, the Greenwich Rugby Football Club is the leading youth rugby program in the New York area and is open to boys and girls. We promote growth of the sport by emphasizing the core values of Rugby – Integrity, Passion, Solidarity, Discipline and Respect – and use a curriculum-based approach to player development starting at U6 and continuing through to U14, whereupon players will be ready to play at Greenwich High School or other area programs.
We traditionally offer both Fall 7s and Spring 15s programs for all ages, as well as camps for both younger and more experienced players each summer. We also offer a Fall 7s program for U16 and U18 High School boys and girls players (based upon sufficient interest / registrations).
Our coaching team combines both professional and volunteer coaches who have played at the university, adult, professional or national team level in the USA, Argentina, England, Australia, and other countries, and are now giving back to the sport they love.
Whether you are new to the sport or a veteran, now is a great time to join OGRCC’s Greenwich RFC!
Our club is sponsored by Danone North America. Please support our sponsor by enjoying Danimals®, Activia® and Oikos® yogurt products.
Our Spring 2025 program will continue basic skill development across all age grades, with the U12 and U14 programs focused on the 15s game and skills for specific positions. This past fall marked the full return of our Fairfield U12 / U14 league with friendly matches to be scheduled against Fairfield, Aspetuck, Westport, Rye and potentially other area teams.
We will again be happy to offer community service hours to a limited number of High school-age players who will commit to acting as assistant coaches, touch judges, or even referees (GRFC will organize certification). As always, if you are a parent looking to volunteer as a coach, please let the OGRCC office staff know if you are interested.
Please be aware that our program offering will continue to be adapted to be compliant with OGRCC, Connecticut and USA Rugby policies in force at the time. This may require modifications including, but not limited to, restrictions on the age grades offered, level of permitted training and game contact, and
reduction or elimination of competition against non-GRFC teams. Pricing for individual age grades may be adjusted and credits offered should we need to run a more restricted program.
Greenwich RFC uniform is required and consists of a training jersey, shorts, and socks. Match jerseys are supplied by the club.
- New players must order a uniform
- Returning players order as needed
- NO REFUNDS ON UNIFORM ITEMS (Unworn items may be exchanged for a different size).
Click HERE to order, but please note the size chart below. Please physically measure your child and refer to the vendor-provided size charts on how to do so accurately. The sizing is specific to how the items are supposed to fit for rugby, are based on British sizes, and don’t match US street clothes sizes
Sizing chart for new uniforms below:
Demonstrate your membership in the Greenwich RFC by sporting Club logo items!
A team store with both onfield and supporters’ items will be launched soon!
sportsYou communications and scheduling platform
- Please download the sportsYou app on your phone. We use this platform for all communications regarding the program. You will be supplied a team activation code prior to the start of the season.
- Download at the Apple App Store or get it on Google Play
Rugby is played by age groups rather than grades. We use two-year age bands (i.e., U12 and U14) based on a school year (e.g., if your child is a U14 based on the ages below, then they will be a U14 for both the fall and spring seasons, even if they have a birthday.
Introduction to our age grade teams
Please click below to find out more information about the activities and focus of each team
U6: Non Contact
U8: Touch Rugby
Saturday training with games on Sunday. Small groups, small space games evolving to focus on two-handed touch games to teach the importance of passing, offensive and defensive tactics, transitions and finding space. Purposeful collisions between players are against the rules.
U10: Introduction to Tackle
Saturday training with games on Sunday. Emphasis on safely learning to engage in contact. Further development of passing, offensive and defensive tactics, transitions and finding space. Purposeful collisions between players are against the rules.
U12: Competitive Travel
U14: Competitive Travel
High School: Boys 7s (Fall only)
Three times per week. The Fall High School Boys program focuses on the 7s variant of rugby with emphasis on creativity, finding space, and defensive tactics. Our High School players will compete in either U16s or U18s, depending upon player age, in local and regional tournaments.
Note: tournament entry fees will be added to the base program fee depending upon actual participation.
High School: Girls 7s (Fall only - depending on interest)
Twice per week. The Fall High School Girls program focuses on the 7s variant of rugby with emphasis on creativity, finding space, and defensive tactics. Based on enrollment and interest level the HS Girls team will be able participate in local and regional tournaments and bilateral matches against area clubs (subject to availability). Please note that we have ordered women’s fit jerseys and shorts for Fall 2022.
Note: tournament entry fees will be added to the base program fee depending upon actual participation.
About Us
The Old Greenwich – Riverside Community Center (OGRCC) offers one of the most comprehensive community youth and adult recreational, athletic, educational and social programs. Our offerings range from art, baseball, cooking, basketball, dance, field hockey, film, rugby, soccer, and tennis. We also offer camps and special clinics by season. What separates us is our level of dedication to our programs, our professional and volunteer coaches, community events, and the ability to offer recreational and some of the most competitive travel all-star teams.
Contact Us
Located at:
48 Maple Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: 203-637-3659
Office Hours:
Please contact us as we are working on a hybrid model.
Tax ID: 06-0669123