Step 1.
Place your hull upside down on a flat, clean surface. Take the enclosed glue package. Using the mixing stick pressed against the outside of the package, get all the glue from both sides of the package. Thoroughly mix the two parts together. Although you must mix thoroughly, you must also mix quickly since the glue sets quickly. NOTE: This is epoxy glue and should be mixed and applied carefully.


Step 2. Run a line of the mixed glue along the keel slot in the hull. Coat the two sides at the top, where it will slide into the hull. The holes in the keep plate allow the glue to get a positive grasp.  Four large holes and one small hole are in the top of the keel.



Step 3: Insert the keel so that the small hole is towards the front of the boat. The back edge of the keel should be straight and perpendicular to the deck, while the front edge slants backward. Check after a minute to break any bubbles that might have formed in the glue. The glue will take about 30-45 minutes to dry completely.


Step 4. After the glue is hard, turn your boat over. With a pencil, mark a spot 1/4 inch forward from the very back edge of the deck and center from side to side. Use a push pin (one of four pins enclosed) to make a starter hole at the mark. Push the pin into the deck a little less than 1/4 inch deep in the mark. Make sure the pin does not tip sideways as you push it in because you want your screw-eye to be straight and not tipped sideways. The first brass screw eye into this hole.

Step 5. Make a hole with the push pin, which is 3/4 inch back from the very front of the boat. Screw the second screw eye into this hold.

Step 6. Screw a screw eye into the pre-drilled hole into the front of the mast one inch from the bottom of the mast. You can tell which is the bottom of the mast because the bottom end of the mast has been coated with paraffin. (the other pre-drilled hole is 3 inches down from the top of the mast.).

Step 7. Slide the mast in the mast step hole with the waxed end down. Slide the sail over the mast so the bottom edge of the sial at the front sits on the screw-eye at the bottom front of the mast. Screw the last screw-eye through the front edge of the sail into the hold in the mast, which is 3 inches down from the top of the mast.

Step 8. Tie one end of the clear nylon monofilament to the screw-eye at the front of the boat using two half hitches (see the Sailor’s Handbook.) Tie one extra hitch, so you have the three-half hitches.  Leave enough of an end when you tie the knot so that you can pull the knot tight. Pull the knot as tight as possible without putting too much strain on the screw-eye. Slide the monofilament through the front edge of the small jib sail. Make certain you have the sail the correct way up, with a small point at the top and a wide part at the bottom. Run the monofilament line through the screw eye 3 inches down from the top of the mast and pull the line fairly tight but not so tight that it bends the mast forward. Tie with two of three half-hitches.

Step 9. Tie a figure eight in one end of each piece of braided nylon twine (see the Sailor’s Handbook). Run one piece of nylone twine through the brass grommet in the back corner of the mainsail and tie it loosely to the screw eye in the back of the deck.

Happy Sailing!